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Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring cleaning means every aspect of your home, plumbing included! With the winter months over, there are a few things you can do to keep your plumbing flowing at 100% during the transition to warmer weather!

Check for Leaks!
Water damage accounts for a whopping 22% of all homeowner claims and even a small crack in a pipe can result in hundreds of gallons of water damage. This is a great time to check all faucets, toilets, and pipes for drips and leaks.
Maintain Your Water Heater 
The standard is, if your water heater is more than 15 years old, it might be time to start thinking about getting a new one. However, despite how old your water heater is, it still needs to be properly maintained. Check your water heater and make sure it’s set to no more than 120 degrees. This will ensure you aren’t spending more than you need to on your monthly energy bill. At Joe Castro Plumbing we also offer a service to come out and inspect your water heater, to make recommendations on if it is time to replace!
Clean Your Shower Head
A great item to check off your spring-cleaning box is cleaning your shower head. Minerals and mold can build up over time on your shower head, so it is crucial to clean them regularly! Simply pour distilled white vinegar in a plastic bag and rubber band it around your shower head and soak for 1 hour.
Remove Debris from Outdoor Plumbing 
Check all various pipes and drains that are around your home. Make sure any gutters, downspouts, or yard drains are free of leaves, pine straw, dirt, or any other debris that might be blocking any plumbing flow.
Schedule your Spring Inspection with Joe Castro Plumbing 
Let us check off the plumbing maintenance box on your spring-cleaning checklist! For only $79.99 we will ready your plumbing for the warmer weather. Schedule your inspection by calling Joe Castro Plumbing, located in The Woodlands, TX.  Contact Joe today by filling out the form below or by phone at (832) 515-4250 or (281) 323-4730!

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